Sunday, September 20, 2009


What is a hero? Who can be a hero? These are the question that linger my mind when i think to become a hero. When we read our history books we usually read the names of Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio and etc. who become heroes of the country. The way they fought back the freedom of the nation. Nowadays, when we read newspaper , print ads and others form of information, we read some personalities who were called as a hero. But do they really have what it takes to be a hero that we think of? For my own opinion, every one is entitled to be a hero on thier own good ways by doing great things. IT doesnt need to sacrifice one life or having super powers. It can be done in so many good ways an in so many good aspects. To render oneself towards an honest an goodness service, inspire other life, and extending greatness and goodness to others, can be a heroic act. Finally in this situation of life that we are in right now, we must not wait a hero to save us and to be our savior, instead we need to be a hero for ourselve rather than waiting for others helping hand.